
問題記錄_OFA_R12 APP-OFA-48392 Unable to Get The Concurrent Request Status Using Procedure FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQ

Problem Description: When add a new asset till to the final step, the error request(R12 APP-OFA-48392 Unable to Get The Concurrent Request Status Using Procedure FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQ) would be popup.

I find out the [ID 199678.1] in metalink resources, and the case just like what we happened, then I follow the steps to slove this problem.

It's what done about PL/SQL code below.
SQL> update fa_book_controls
SQL> set deprn_request_id = NULL,
SQL> deprn_status = 'E'
SQL> where deprn_status = 'S'
SQL> and book_type_code = '&book_type_code';

But it still doesn't work, we can't add new asset record. And I re-run depreciation then popup an Error winows, messeage below:
APP-OFA-48398: Program exited with errors:
ORA-00054:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
Error:function FA_CHK_BOOKSTS_PKG.faxlck returned failure
A mass transaction is pending for this book. please complete it and try again. Failed to obtain lock on FA_BOOK_CONTROLS row for book &book_type_code.
Error:function FA_CHK_BOOKSTS_PKG.faxlc returned failure
Error:function FA_CHK_BOOKSTS.faxcbs returned failure
Module CHECK_BOOK_STATUS ended with error
Error:function FA_CHK_BOOKSTS_PKG.faxcbsx returned failure


=== ODM Action Plan ===

Please provide the following results:

1.Please run the Diagnostics: Apps Check program for Oracle Assets and upload the output to this SR.
Sysadmin > Security > Responsibility > Request
Query the request as follows:
Group - All reports
Application - Oracle Assets

Now add the Diagnostics: Apps Check as follows
Type - Program
Name - from the list of value select Diagnostics: Apps Check
Application - Order Management
Save the changes.
Now you can run the Diagnostics: Apps Check with Assets as Parameter

2. Please run the following select script to identify any locks for FA (Fixed Assets) objects and upload the result:

FROM v$locked_object a , all_objects b
WHERE a.object_id = b.object_id
AND b.object_name like 'FA%';

3. Run the query below and upload the result:

select book_type_code, mass_request_id,
deprn_status,deprn_request_id from FA_BOOK_CONTROLS
where book_type_code = '&book';



Your issue has been transferred to me now. I will be helping on the same.

The Depreciation status is 'S'. Please go through Note 567038.1 where you will find the complete datafix. Please appy that datafix and provide us feedback.



When attempting to run depreciation got APP-OFA-48397 Program exited with errors [ID 567038.1]

Modified 04-DEC-2008     Type PROBLEM     Status PUBLISHED

In this Document
Applies to:
Oracle Assets - Version: 11.5.10
This problem can occur on any platform.
When attempting to to run depreciation for the books 
the following error message appears in the form 
APP-OFA-48397 Program exited with errors 
unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure 
Module CHECK_BOOK_STATUS ended with error 
The DEPRN_STATUS in the FA_BOOK_CONTROLS table was incorrectly set 
to 'S' after a failed depreciation run. 
Verify the book status -

SQL> select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, mass_request_id, deprn_status
SQL> from fa_book_controls
SQL> where book_type_code = '&book_type_code';

Please log an iTAR for guidance on the following steps:

If the deprn_status is anything other that 'S', DO NOT PROCEED with resetting
the status.

Check to make sure there are no records in FA_DEPRN_DETAIL and FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY

1. get the period_counter.

SQL> select period_counter
SQL> from fa_deprn_periods
SQL> where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
SQL> and period_close_date is null;

The period_counter is the current period counter number associated with the
period you are trying to run depreciation for, and the book_type_code is the
name of your Asset Book.

2. Check the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL and FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY tables for records :

SQL> select count(*)
SQL> from fa_deprn_summary
SQL> where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
SQL> and period_counter = &period_counter
SQL> and deprn_amount is not null;

SQL> select count(*)
SQL> from fa_deprn_detail
SQL> where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
SQL> and period_counter = &period_counter
SQL> and deprn_amount is not null;

If the step 2 return rows 0 rows then run the following script
SQL> update fa_book_controls
SQL> set deprn_request_id = NULL,
SQL> deprn_status = 'E'
SQL> where deprn_status = 'S'
SQL> and book_type_code = '&book_type_code';

NOTE: Never under any circumstances update the deprn_status to 'C' for
3.If the SQL in step 2 returns rows follow the below steps
This task should be performed by the System Administrator/DBA:
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
A) Take backup of depreciation tables:

create table FA_DEPRN_DETAIL_bkp as select * from FA_DEPRN_DETAIL
and book_type_code='&&book';

create table FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY_bkp as select * from FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY
and book_type_code='&&book';

B)Delete the lines that where inserted by depreciation process:
1. delete from FA_DEPRN_DETAIL
and book_type_code='&&book';

2. delete from FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY
and book_type_code='&&book';


C) Then update depreciation status in FA_BOOK_CONTROLS:
update fa_book_controls
set deprn_request_id = NULL,
mass_request_id = NULL,
deprn_status = 'E'
where deprn_status = 'S'
and book_type_code='&&book';

D) Submit depreciation again.

NOTE:438507.1 - Unable To Run Depreciation Or To Rollback Depreciation. Fail To Get Lock On FA_BOOK_CONTROLS
NOTE:199678.1 - Depreciation Ends with Error in FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS
  • Oracle E-Business Suite > Financial Management > Assets & Real Estate > Oracle Assets

