
問題記錄_FA_APP-OFA-48392 Error When Adding a New Asset in the Asset Workbench

APP-OFA-48392 Error When Adding a New Asset in the Asset Workbench [ID 275200.1]

 修改时间 04-DEC-2008     类型 PROBLEM     状态 PUBLISHED 

Applies To

Oracle Assets - Version: 11.5.9
This problem can occur on any platform.
FAXASSET - Asset Workbench 


When adding a new asset in Asset Workbench, in the Assignments window, when 
clicking Done, an error message appears: 

APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure.


Invalid depreciation run status showing as 'Submitted'.


Change the Status to 'Error', resubmit Run Depreciation and let it complete
normally, rollback depreciation, then enter new assets.

1) Refresh a TEST instance with the Production data when experiencing this issue.

2) Run this update:

update fa_book_controls
set deprn_status = 'E'
where book_type_code = '&book'
and deprn_status = 'S';

3) Resubmit Run Depreciation WITHOUT Close Period option.

4) Rollback Depreciation.

Always TEST results prior to implementing in a Production database.

Help us improve our service. If you have any comments or questions regarding the solution
as documented in this Note (or ANY other questions related to Oracle Assets), please post on the
Oracle Assets Technical Forum on MetaLink. The FA Forum is monitored on a daily basis
by Oracle Support Services (OSS), and response time is generally within 24 hours.

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